10 Alarming Signs That You Need To Move Out Of A Relationship

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“Everything in life comes with an expiry date,” quotes the cliched saying that every broken heart has heard at one point of time or the other. Still when it comes to real life and relationships, we often tend to stick to relationships even though we know that their time has come. Sometimes we are afraid of hurting the other person, whereas sometimes things are just so unpredictable that they scare you.

However, there comes a time when you know that you have had enough and it’s time for you now to pull the string, make the tough call and move on. And how do you know that this time has come? If you are wondering over it, the following points might help.

1. You can’t stop thinking about your ex

Maybe you were really hurt in your previous relationship or may be your present relationship started way too quickly as a rebound. But if the thoughts of past are haunting your present, then you shouldn’t keep your partner in the dark by giving him/her false hopes. Take some time for yourself and use it well to clear your head. Once you are assured that there’s no baggage from the past in your life and you have moved then think about dating.


2. You are getting hurt

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It counts for both physical and mental abuse. And it stands true for both sexes. If you are being manhandled, you are abused mentally and you are feeling bad about yourself with every passing this day, then this is a red flag. You need to move out of that relationship as soon as possible. It will require you to be brave, because you might be afraid that if things are this bad now then God knows what might happen when there’s no liability left. But all you got to do is be strong, put down a firm foot and be there for yourself.


3. You are always fighting

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Little fights and arguments are a part of every relationship. They give you a chance to look at things from other person’s perspective. Nonetheless, when these fights become way too frequent and incessant then you need to understand that something is wrong. Fighting in front of other people, being afraid that every single thing that you say or do might lead to a fight is a strong enough sign that you two are definitely not meant for each other.


4. You don’t feel respected

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For every relationship to succeed it is important that the couple trust and respect each other. Without trust, you fight a lot and you’re never able to rely on the other person because you are not sure if they are going to be there for you. But without respect, you cannot possibly do anything nice for that person. The time she yelled at you in front of her family or the time he created a scene in the mall because he was angry can be a small issue now. When these things start making an appearance in the everyday life, it is a harbinger of the fact that you need to get out of the relationship.


5. You’re not allowed to be in touch with your friends

Being protective is nice. Being possessive is not. And there is a fine line between being protective and being possessive. Your boyfriend calling you up when you are travelling late at night is being protective; calling up every few minutes when you are out for a movie with your friends is not. Similarly, your girlfriend pressurizing you to stop hanging out with your friends is not cool. Your partner needs to trust you enough to know that you will never cheat on him/her. Unless that trust is gained (which takes time and patience, even more than usual if it has been broken once), your relationship can’t survive for long.


6. You are always putting your partner’s needs before yours

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It is okay to order Chinese food because your partner wants to eat it, even when you want to eat Italian food. Adjusting is extremely important in any relationship, but you need to ensure that you are not a pushover. If every important decision is solely based on what your partner wants then it is a sign of an unhealthy relationship and a sign that things might not stay good for long. So either you learn to put your foot down when required or learn to let go of the relationship because there are chances that you might end up feeling suppressed if things run the same.


7. You feel that your partner consistently tries to change you

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The age old saying of “I think you have changed” often works the other way round in a relationship. Being corrected for your table manners is okay, but being forced to leave non-veg food is not. Changing simple things for your own good is healthy but when your partner nags you for every simple thing that you do then take it as an indication that he/she is not very happy with you. If you are losing your own identity in the process of becoming someone’s partner then the relationship is not really worth it, is it?


8. You’re being taken for granted

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There can be many ways in which you can be taken for granted; the last minute cancellation of plans, the ignored calls, the lies, the cheating. You are not supposed to be the king/queen in your partner’s life, but you are supposed to feel special with them. If your relationship with your partner is just about sex and he/she is the last person you expect to be there for you at the time of need then he/she needs to be let go off. There are more things to life than sex. Learn to appreciate yourself.


9. You’ve a persistent urge to cheat

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It is in human nature to want to experience what is new to them. Every person in a relationship often notices other people and feels attracted to them. However, if you have already cheated on your partner before and/or you have the consistent urge to cheat (thinking that he/she will not find out) then it is an alarming sign that you need to move out of the relationship because you are not fair to your partner. If you can’t be true to someone, don’t hurt them more by keeping them in the dark.


10. You want different things in life as your partner

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This is the most important aspect of any relationship. Being different from each other is good, because you complete what misses from the other person’s life. Nevertheless, wanting drastically different things in life which cannot happen parallelly is wasting each other’s time. If you have a mutual understanding that the relationship isn’t serious and it is a momentary thing then it is okay, but don’t let your partner plan the whole future ahead if you don’t see yourself being a part of it. Why make promises that you know you don’t want to keep?

Every relationship is unique. People have their own measurement of happiness. It is up to you to stay there or move on. Just remember, be happy and be the reason for someone else’s happiness. As long as you are achieving that, you are good to go.

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