Mount Everest Seen From Bihar Village After Lockdown Improves Air Quality

With rest of the country’s pollution levels decreasing due to the lockdown, why would Bihar be left behind? According to an earlier report by Jagran, deserted roads, closed factories, and lack of human activity have improved Bihar’s air quality significantly.

So much so, that residents of a village in Bihar were able to spot the mighty Mount Everest from their rooftops after decades, reports India Today.

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A picture of the beautiful sight was posted by Twitter user Ritu Jaiswal. Hailing from Singhwahini village, she was able to see the Everest from her terrace.

“Can see today Nature is balancing itself. The mountains close to Nepal were sometimes seen in clear weather after the rain,” she wrote.

Ritu Jaiswal went on to claim how her husband, in his childhood, could see the Mount Everest from his terrace back in the ’80s.

People on the internet, especially those who have lived in Bihar, are mesmerised by the gorgeous sight. Many also recalled being able to catch a view of the mountains when they were little.

The lockdown is working in more ways than one!

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