Not Just Your Biological Mom; This Mother’s Day, Show Love To All The Mothers


She’s that entity in whom we find utmost solace, whose love is purely unconditional. She’s always giving, and we just want to keep our heads in her lap and forget all our worries. She puts our happiness before hers and always supports us. That’s our Mom, right? But how are mothers-in-law any different from our own mothers?

This heart-warming Mother’s Day short film by Godrej Expert encapsulates the relationship between a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law in a very contemporary setting, and it captures the dynamics aptly. Because like any other relationship, there are ups and downs and happy times too. So just like your own mom, why not show your other mom how special she is?

After all, it’s Mother’s Day and all moms should be showered with love. So make it special #ForAllMoms!

This story is brought to you in association with Godrej Expert

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