This Mother Takes $5 Rent From Her 5 YO Daughter Every Week. Good Parenting Or Bad?

There definitely isn’t any rule book on parenting. But one thing is true, that every parent does what they think is best for the child. They all want their kids to grow up as independent and strong adults and do everything in their power to make it happen.

This mother has a different funda on parenting. She has sparked a debate online with her novel way of raising her daughter. Essence Evans takes rent from her 5-year-old kid.

Yeah, let that sink in. Her 5-year-old kid pays rent.

Now before you reach the conclusion of calling her a monster, hear her out.

Essence took to Facebook to share her reason for doing this. She explained that she gives her daughter $7 for a weekly allowance. But also taught her that in the real world most of the people’s money goes into paying bills. She wrote,

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“I make her give me $5 dollars back. $1 for rent $1 for water $1 for electricity $1 for cable and $1 for food. The other $2 she gets to save or do what she wants with.”

Now, as desis, many of us are used to living with our parents for years on end without paying any rent. But I’m not saying either of the parenting styles are wrong they’re just very different.

But before you judge Essence listen to her reason for doing all this.

According to Fab Woman, she is actually putting all that money into a savings account. The money will be accessible to her daughter when she turns 18. So in case, she decides to move out then she will have $3,380, to begin with.

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She says that this move has been done to teach her child what living in the real world is like.

Many of us were never taught the concepts of saving and paying bills and so adult life and managing finances can be such a task for us millennials. Forever broke is the motto we live by!

Netizens though remain divided on this parenting style and have shared their opinions on Facebook.

Some of them have been extremely appreciative of the concept and welcomed it with open arms. While others think the daughter should be enjoying her innocent childhood and not be bogged down with adult matters like finances, bills and rent.

1. Some are willing to try it on their own kids too.

2. Whereas, this user has a completely different opinion.

However, she has now shared on her Instagram that Facebook decided to deactivate her account and so the original post is no longer available.

What do you think of this parenting method? Is it gearing her up for the future or is it too harsh a thing to impose on a 5-year-old. Tell us in comments below.

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