You may have heard the saying that it’s never too late to start a new life. However, a mother and daughter near Chennai took things up a notch and gave this saying a whole different meaning. 90-year-old Lakshmi and 72-year-old Kashturi restarted their lives a year back at an age when most people give up.
According to Hindustan Times, Lakshmi grew up in a conservative household where she wanted to pursue a proper career but she couldn’t because of societal constraints. But when she turned 89 years old, she decided to turn her life around. She established a farm stay called ‘Vaksana Farms’ in a village named Rettanai near Chennai.
“I always wanted to have my own venture. I used to make podi masala, crackers, tried candle making, and more. I even went door-to-door to sell them. My quality was good, but door-to-door selling took a toll on my body. In the longer run, it was difficult to sustain my job. If I wanted to have my own business, it was time to focus on my strengths. So we decided to start the farm stay,” she said.
In some time, her 72-year-old daughter Kashturi joined her in her business too. The mother-daughter duo were new in the hospitality industry, which needed a lot of physical work. Food had to be cooked three times a day. Guests had to be attended to. But they decided to buckle up and face the challenge head-on.
Kashturi’s son, Kiruba Shankar and his daughters Krithya and Kalpitha helped the two elderly women in setting up their business. The two granddaughters taught Kashturi about social media, online reviews and marketing. Soon, as word spread about their farm stay, guests started to come in.
For them, Lakshmi and Kashturi would prepare recipes that are probably over a century old. Lakshmi herself is 90 years old and she learnt to cook from her mother and grandmother. After cooking became a bit of a physical problem for her, Kashturi stepped in and is now the head chef of the kitchen and Lakshmi guides her.
Kashturi said, “The knowledge that my mother holds is 90 years old. She has recipes from her mother, which she learned and mastered over the years. When people come to us, they truly enjoy the food.”
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“I am glad to have her by my side. I had three children, and two of them passed away. Kasthuri is the only one. So now that I get to spend time with her, it makes me very happy,” said Lakshmi.
Kudos to the mother and daughter for starting a business at such an old age and being a massive inspiration for others! 🙂