10 Most Ironic Deaths In The History That Are Hard To Believe

Death is inevitable. Every living thing has to come to an end one day. But what’s different is the way of one’s death. Some are peaceful, some others are not. But some deaths in history are related by really strange coincidences. Let’s have a look at some of the most ironic deaths in the history:

PS- We do not wish to mock anybody’s death, we’re just stating facts.

1. Owner of Segway company died after he drove off a cliff while riding a Segway

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Jimi Heseldon, owner of Segway inc., died from the injuries he sustained after falling from a cliff while driving a Segway scooter.

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2. The strongest man in the world died after getting stabbed in the knee with a nail

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Zishe Breitbart was a Polish performer who was was known as the strongest man in the world during the 1920s. He was famous for performing feats such as climbing a ladder while carrying a baby elephant, supporting enormous weights such as automobiles carrying upto 10 people etc. But as luck would have it, he died after getting stabbed by a small nail. That’s right, he accidentally stabbed himself in the knee with a small nail and the wound eventually became infected which ultimately led to his death.

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3. Garry Hoy died after trying to demonstrate the strength of an unbreakable glass

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Garry Hoy was a lawyer in a Toronto law firm. One day, in an attempt to prove to a group of students that the glass in the Toronto-Dominion Centre was unbreakable, Hoy threw himself through a glass wall on the 24th story. The glass did not break, but unfortunately, the window frame gave away and Hoy fell to his death. Tragic isn’t it!

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4. Jerome Moody drowned at a pool party, which had many lifeguards as guests

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Though Jerome Moody wasn’t a lifeguard himself, there’s no denying the irony in his death. He was a guest at a party for lifeguards celebrating their first drowning-free swimming season. His body was found at the bottom of the pool after the party ended.

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5. A convict who escaped electric chair got himself electrocuted on a metal toilet

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Michael Anderson Godwin was a convicted murderer who was at first sentenced to an electric chair but later his sentence was overturned to life imprisonment. But ironically, one day Michael accidentally electrocuted himself while sitting on a metal toilet seat in his prison cell.

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6. Mel Ignatow, the killer who died the same way he killed his girlfriend

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Mel Ignatow was a convicted murderer who killed his girlfriend by tying her to a glass table and slicing her. Years later he himself fell on the glass table and died from the cuts. Ironic justice?

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7. Jim Fixx, the guy who wrote a book on running, died while jogging

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Jim Fixx was a guy who’s credited with helping start the America’s fitness revolution. He also wrote a best-selling book on the benefits of jogging. But at 52 years of age, he died of a heart attack doing what he loved the most, jogging!

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8. A woman died of shock after waking up at her OWN funeral

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Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov was wrongly declared dead by doctors. But when mourners gathered to pay their last respects, she suddenly woke up and was so shocked to find herself in a coffin that she suffered a heart attack and died.

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9. Lawyer who shot himself after trying to show the judge that a person can accidentally shoot himself

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Clement Vallandigham died while representing a defendant in the court against a murder case. He was trying to prove to the jury that the victim accidentally shot himself while pulling the gun out and his client was innocent. But unfortunately, Mr. Vallandigham actually shot himself while demonstrating how a person can accidentally shoot himself, and died.

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10. Bobby Leach, the guy who survived after falling from Niagra falls, died after falling from a height of 4 feet

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Bobby Leach is the second person in the history to perform the daredevil stunt of going over Niagra falls in a barrel. But ironically, the cause of his death was a minor fall from a height of 4 feet. One day, he accidentally slipped on an orange peel and suffered a leg injury, which got infected by gangrene and his leg had to be eventually amputated. Sadly, due to some complications, he passed away a couple of months later.

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Sometimes the biggest irony in life comes in the form of death, doesn’t it?

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