Do You Use A Lot Of Emojis? According To This Research You Could Be Thinking Of Sex 24×7.

Do ? (you) use emojis a lot? Then you might have sex on your mind more than people who don’t use emojis as often.

According to an interesting new survey conducted, people who use more emojis while texting, are more likely to think of sex.

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The survey conducted by online dating website found that people tend to think of sex even when they use food emojis.


Helen Fisher, who led the survey told Time Magazine, “[Emoji users] want to give their texts more personality. Emoji users don’t just have more sex, they go on more dates and they are two times more likely to get married.”

Who would have thought that?


Most people who thought about sex once a day used emojis but not in every text.

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The survey involved 5,000 people and found that 36-40 percent of people who think about sex several times a day use more than one emoji in every text. People who never think about sex said they don’t use them as often. The group that used emojis least thought about sex only once a month.


According to the survey, both men and women used the ‘wink’ smiley more often to flirt with a date.

The ‘smile’ emoji stood second. The research also found that 54% of the single people who use emojis have way more sex than the 31% who don’t.


The same research also concluded that for ‘sexually charged’ texts, the eggplant ? was more popular than the banana ?

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But, on the contrary, when it came to romantic texting, the smiling emoji with heart-eyes was more often used. ?


So how many emojis did you use today? ?

News Source: India Today

Cover Image Sources 1 & 2

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