Mom’s Brutally Honest Text To Her Teen Son’s Schoolteacher Is Too Relatable For Words!

If I could travel back in time, the first thing I’d do will be meeting my teenage self and punch her right on the face for being such a douche to my mom.

All of us are guilty of giving our moms a hard time. I remember slouching in bed for hours after waking up and inevitably getting late for school, taking long showers and unnecessarily wasting water, and watch ridiculous TV shows which would increase her blood pressure. Overall, just be like that one annoying kid who makes adults decide they never want to have kids!

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So this mom’s brutally honest message to the school authorities on why her son was late for class makes me truly feel for her.

According to sources, a woman living in Australia lost her cool when her 14-year-old son’s school texted her asking her to cite a reason for him being late for class. And her reply is downright hilarious, and sadly relatable!

This is what she wrote:

“Arrived late because he’s a mouthy almost 14-year-old, who’s hormonal, thinks the world owes him a favour, refuses to get out of bed at a decent time for school, thinks the Xbox is life, grunts instead of speaking, spends 20 minutes in the shower just stood there, walks at the speed of a snail and couldn’t find his socks that were right in front of his eyes.”

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“My son was late for high school this morning for the third day in a row because, true to that text, he just cannot move himself on a school morning!”, she told sources.

Allegedly, the things written on the text message is EXACTLY the events which happened that day – the boy took 20 minutes to shower, took 10 minutes to find his socks which were right in front of him, replied “uuurrrggghhh” when his mom hugged and said she loved him, and walk to school with the pace of a snail!

This was probably her…

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I think we all owe our parents an apology for being such a pain!

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