Frustrated With Pregnancy, Mom Serves Legal Eviction Notice To Unborn Baby and IT WORKS!

Wise men have said, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

And if that woman’s close to nine months pregnant, with her emotions running all over the place, then woe betide anyone who crosses her!

Well, such a travesty has happened and the woman in question has taken recourse to strict legal action against her tormentor. But wait till you find out who the tormentor is!

Kaylee Bays, an expectant mother and a resident of Utah, USA, was two weeks away from her delivery date when she began experiencing contractions on October 16th.

The contractions seemed intense enough to make Kaylee think that the baby was going to be arriving soon. The mother of two was prepared to deliver. Disappointingly enough, it was a false alarm!

Frustrated and tired after the fake labour episode, Kaylee, who works as a Judicial Assistant in the Fourth District Court in Provo, Utah, decided to seek legal intervention to oust the troublesome tenant in her womb.

Kaylee asked her colleague, a Judge Lynn Davis, to sign an ‘eviction notice’ addressed to her unborn baby, asking it to ‘vacate the premises’, the premises being ‘Mommy’s womb’!

As you can see, Kaylee has pulled no punches. The notice is a properly drawn up legal document titled ‘Three Day Notice To Vacate For Nuisance’.

“You’ve committed a nuisance because:
Mommy is uncomfortable and running out of room for you!”

But it’s the address on the notice that has us ROFLing!

If you’re wondering what the judge thought of this, he was quite enthusiastic to help!

He told Kaylee that this was the first time in his 31 years of legal career that he had been asked to sign a notice for an unborn baby. We hear you, Judge!

In an interview with Bay Today, Kaylee said,

“He told me, ‘If it really works, I want it framed.’ It did, and I’m going to frame it for him.”

And what do you know, the eviction notice had the desired effect because a mere 12 hours after being served, adorable little Baby Gretsel FINALLY decided to enter this world!

What else could she do, with Mommy serving such a direct order to her!

“She came 12 hours later. So far, she’s a good listener. She didn’t want to be in contempt of court,” joked Kaylee.

According to the Facebook post shared by American Fork Hospital in Utah, where the delivery happened, both the mom and the baby are doing well.

Looks like Baby Gretsel Connie Hansen is going to be one obedient kid and listen to her Mommy all the time! After all, Mommy knows best, doesn’t she?

What a fun story for the girl when she grows up!

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