13 Mistakes You Must Absolutely Make In Your 20s

*Twenties* is supposedly the most confusing time of our life. We are neither too young to pursue all the weird fantasies nor are we too old to let go of them; thence, we are merely stuck amid the choice of to be or not to be.

Here are some mistakes that you must give chase to in your twenties to make your life better

13. Spend all your savings on your dream

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Earn money and build your dream. Spend all your savings in creating it and see it grow by leaps and bounds. The earlier the better and even if it fails; it should be worth the fall. This is the time for you to do it all and have no regrets.


12. Date the wrong person

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Even though the idea of dating here in India is a hullabaloo per se; we are more open about our choices today than we’ve ever been. Try being with someone who is totally opposite to your “beau idéal” and have the fun.


11. Speak your mind

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As you grow old, you’ll either end up being a people’s person where you’d have to keep everyone happy by not exactly speaking your mind or you’ll be the one shrewd someone who is brutally honest. In any case, why not start it now?


10. Take a job that does not belong to you

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Doesn’t have to necessarily be something really weird, but gain the experience which is off your niche. Extricate yourself and pursue it in great spirits. This will bring you ample of wisdom.


9. Strike conversation with random strangers

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We have been taught to stay away from strangers all our life and I reckon it is not for the best. Strike conversation with someone you meet on a bus ride back to home or the rickshaw driver who drives you to office everyday. Mango people have the strongest stories to tell.


8. Take a month long vacation and cut yourself from the world

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Procrastination is the key to live life, is it? Once you cross your twenties, you’d realize that the best time to take those sundry trips was your twenties. It is easy to ditch job and commitments when you are young. So do it now.


7. YOLO, what’s that ?

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In your twenties, you are more than likely to hear YOLO than anything else. Do not fall for this trap and do moronic things that you are not supposed to do. People do ugly things which leave them flat on their ass. The crux of the story is that you should put “some” mind to all the choices you make. Just “some” ok?


6. Be willing to fail

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The weak fails and only the strong survives. Learn to fail and learn all the lessons that it teaches you. This can be your only chance to fabricate monumental success. Live your fears and see them falling to pieces, only to rise again – stronger and better.


5. Try on different religious identities

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Undeniably, we’ve had enough of this religious chaos. Can you be the one tasting all the pies and telling the world that they all are really sweet? See for yourself that no human is an island and we are all just the same.


4. Blame yourself

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Behold the power of playing the blame game and put the blame on yourself. A cancelled plan, a project gone bad, a failed relationship – put the blame on yourself and see the hidden potential in you. Hold yourself accountable for everything and don’t seek for any solutions, instead create them.


3. Forge against the crowd

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It is always easier to go with the flow and save the argument, but why? You can always be aware of the trend and choose not to follow it. This way you’ll never be lost in the crowd and gradually create your own identity.


2. Go broke

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Between your dad’s credit card and the tiny paycheck that you receive at the end of every month, there lies an area which is called being broke. I know, in early 20s you don’t have to try much for that, yet you learn more about people, life and everything during that. Your choices, your friends and everything else will be more thoughtful than ever. Take that plunge.


1. Forgetting that karma is a bitch!

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When bridges burn because others pull you down, do not hold back and wait for karma to mend it for you. Stand up for yourself.

Use your mistakes to figure out who you are, what you want to be, who your real friends are, what your dream is and how sour the lemons of life are.

Learn your lesson and rise up !

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