Man Dumps Over-Weight Fiancé, She Goes From 108 Kgs To 50 Kgs & Wins Miss Great Britain!

Body-shaming is one of the most brutal and disturbing elements in our society. While on one hand, people preach the principles of self-love, on the other, they bring down people for how they look. In a similar case, Jen Atkin, who was recently crowned Miss Great Britain 2020 shares how she faced criticism and body-shaming until two years back when she weighed 108 Kgs.

The 26-year-old shared that rejection from her fiancé triggered her personal crisis. “The day he left I thought my world had ended – I cried for weeks and used food as my comfort,” Jen said.

Talking about her earlier eating habits, Jen told The Sun,

“In the week, I would eat huge portions of pasta or pizza then a family-size chocolate bar. At weekends, we’d turn into virtual recluses sitting on the sofa in our pyjamas eating takeaways – spending £20 each time.”

“I got to a size 22 and my favorite dress didn’t fit anymore and I knew I had to change!” Jen told the Chronicle. This inspired her to come out of her heartbreak, stronger and take a step towards a healthier lifestyle.


Achieving such an inspiring body-transformation wasn’t a matter of hours or days for Jen. She took two long years of consistent efforts and hard work to be fit.

Talking about her Miss Great Britain victory, Jen also shared that she had never imagined that she would come so far. “I’m still in shock at winning, I’m so happy I can’t even put it into words – I honestly can’t believe it,” she said.

Recalling her breakup with fiance, Jen says, “I was devastated but it ended up being the best thing that’s happened to me.”

Jen maintains that though her body has undergone an incredible transformation, her personality remains the same. “Although my body has changed so much I think don’t think my personality has, and I think that’s really helped me. The judges were able to see what kind of person I really am.”

Sharing her excitement on winning the beauty pageant, Jen said, “I’m so incredibly honoured to be the 75th Miss Great Britain, representing our country alongside my twin brother who runs for Team GB. There were 45 Miss Great Britain finalists and I was lucky to not only win the personality award but take home the crown and title of Miss Great Britain 2020. It felt absolutely incredible, I’m over the moon.”

Jen’s weight loss journey is truly inspiring. We hope it motivates people around the world to adopt a healthier lifestyle and stay fit. Kudos to you, Jen!

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