Millennials’ Incorrect English Usage Online Is Actually Creating A Whole New Language

I was that kid whose favourite subject was English. I belonged to that rare species of people who actually enjoyed learning about grammar. Growing up, I came to think of languages as one of the most fascinating things and began learning French, Spanish, Sanskrit in a bid to make a career out of it. I even had my Grammar Nazi phase (not the attention-seeking annoying troll), and would always be the one correcting my friends’ language errors.

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And then I stopped. Why? Because I realised that as we were evolving, our language and its rules were evolving too. Yep, even a rigid, orthodox language like English. And who are we to hamper such evolution, right?

One of the biggest factors to influence this evolution of language are—drumroll please—we, the Millennials! The world calls it Internet slang. But what it actually is, is a whole new language that’s being developed. And here’s the perfect testament to this fact.

Twitter user Deanna Hoak shared a screenshot of a Tumblr post that talks about how our generation has managed to create a whole new lingo using what normally you’re call ‘incorrect English’.

Unlike what a lot of people think, this incorrect grammar, spelling modifications, and carefree usage of punctuation and caps are anything but random!

Don’t believe me? Okay, let me ask you this. How do you always know that when your friend adds a ‘full stop’ after her ‘okay’ while texting, she is pissed at you? Or how is it that when someone puts up a status update in all caps, you literally read it with a loud voice in your head?

And those “quotes” people use around certain words to denote a “pun”? Or a hashtag in a sentenced to denote it has something to do with #socialmedia and #trends?

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Exactly! There’s a method to this madness and we’re all subconsciously adhering to a set of unspoken/unwritten rules of this new language!

And this makes us millennials native speakers of a whole new language! How cool is that? No wait, how COOL is that?

(See what I did there with the caps?)

Our reliable Twitter Fam was totally on board with this idea of birthing a new lingo and found the whole thing to be relatable AF!

It may have started with emoji usage and internet slang like FYI and LOL, but it’s no more just a joke you can ROFL over, TBH! This is happening, it is legit and we’re all like, “Dude, SAME!”

1. This generation doesn’t want to waste its time with being pompous. It wants things to be short and lays emphasis on the right things to convey exactly what they want, on point!

I vote for Memes to be a legit language! *starts a petition*

2. I see you’ve made YOUR POINT!

3. It’s awesome but if we could please SToP WriTING liKE ThIs!

4. How many ‘O’s and ‘A’s in a ‘Whoa’ signify I am genuinely thrilled with this observation?

5. So, like, do you guys do this too or is it just me,,,

6. As if one Period wasn’t enough cause for trouble, here comes another period!

7. It’s different for different languages and cultures, of course. So you gotta be careful with your interpretations!

8. The “Ok/Okay/K/ok.” Conundrum!

9. People shared their own experiences of encountering these nuances and how it has changed their perception of a certain situation.


The difference is indeed interesting, which is what makes this new language DOPE!

10. It got super fun when parents chimed in with their anecdotes about getting acquainted to this ‘lingo’ thanks to their kids!

Yeah, I know how THAT feels!

‘K’ has just gotten some bad reputation!

Oh you smart, fam!

SURE, she isn’t pissed at you. I mean, why would she use a period otherwise, right? RIGHT?


12. *sobs gently over my Wren & Martin*

13. *Mic Drop*

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Congratulations to all millennials! Just another feather in that already glittery, sequin-encrusted cap of yours!

#Millennials #SoProud #Goals

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