Girl Spikes Boyfriend’s Drink To Prevent Him From Meeting His Friends, Twitter Reacts

Couples in relationships often aren’t on the same page about things. And the only way to handle it is through communication. However, a woman named Jay recently shared a TikTok video where she can be seen mixing NyQuil (flu medicine that relieves pain and induces sleep) into her boyfriend Migo’s juice so he can’t go out and hang with his friends.

The video starts with, “Attention ladies: when he says he going out with the boys later!!” and has the hashtag #justjoking in the caption.

Some people are saying that the video was made as a joke while others are wondering if the couple was acting just for the sake of social media content.

A lot of folks are calling it abusive, toxic and saying that no one would think this was funny if the positions were reversed.

What do you think of this video? Tell us.

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