Pakistan Responds To India’s Version Of ‘Mere Saamnewali Sarhad Pe’ With A Touching Song

Why can’t Indians and Pakistanis ever be friends? Are they completely different from each other?

On 15th August, Indian Ocean vocalist Rahul Ram, lyricist Varun Grover and stand-up comedian Sanjay Rajoura came up with a wonderful song Mere Saamnewali Sarhad Pe that portrayed the Indo-Pak relations.

Now in response, Pakistani Army officer Muhammad Hassan Miraj’s satirical stand on the same song is also a perfect blend of humour with a strong message. The Pakistani version of the song uploaded by Being Indian, sung by Mujtaba Ali, is about how both the countries are same-to-same-but-different.

If this doesn’t move you, then I don’t know what will.

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