These Comics About Promoting Mental Health Awareness Are Truly The Need Of The Hour

Mental health is perhaps one of the most neglected topics in our society. Mental health, as well as the diseases associated with it, have been always seen as taboo because people believe that if somebody is diagnosed with such a disease, they are essentially “crazy”.

Awareness regarding mental health is so alarmingly low that people who are actually affected by such diseases refrain from talking about them, for fear that they will be treated differently by their friends and family. If they do confide in someone, they are told that it’s all “in their head” and encourage them to go out more or meet with people to ‘ignore’ the disease.

This is why Mounica Tata, an artist who handles an Instagram account by the handle doodleodrama decided to take matters into her own hands and expressed the importance of mental health awareness through her art. And, let me just say, these will hit you where it hurts.

1. Something a lot of people don’t understand when you tell them some situations makes you more anxious than others. Trying to mingle around does not seem like an option

2. Being alone in a room and being lonely in a place full of people is not the same thing.

3. Pretense is often the solution we run towards when we have nowhere to go, at least you don’t have to keep explaining why you’re sad.

4. It can be difficult to tell yourself that you matter but trust me, you do.

5. The lack of self-esteem gives rise to suffocation but talking about it can give you a renewed voice.

This is not the end of her series about spreading awareness and we are so proud that somebody had the courage to speak up. Dealing with issues which you can’t explain can be difficult but sometimes, you just need to open up and fight your demons to the best of your abilities.

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