Everyone’s Applauding This Simple Math Problem With A ‘Twist’ For Being Revolutionary

“We’re queer and we’re here!” The LGBTQI movement has come a long way in recent years. Where it would be once considered that a demonic presence has taken a hold of the person hence he is attracted to the same sex, we are now actually seeing all kinds of relationships as what they are: a form of love!

Even though homosexuality is legal in so many countries now-a-days, there is still a low representation in the media and other aspects.

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The ‘normal’ is still considered boy loves girl, girl loves boy. And this is fed to us through movies and books and is basically everywhere.

However, what this Twitter user shared is taking the movement forward and is warming hearts all over.

Yup the mathematics question says, “Craig buys his boyfriend a birthday present that costs €215.65 including VAT @ 13.5 per cent. What was the original bill before VAT was added?”

While most of us are used to heterosexual examples in math questions, it’s a breath of fresh air that same sex relationships are getting highlighted as well. This just goes to show that we are moving forward in these aspects. At least kids will be more exposed to homosexuality and not treat it as the ‘other’.

Of course, Twitter today is a happier place for it. People are lauding the question and are expressing their joy on seeing it.

1 . That’s a win right there.

2. *hoot hoot*

3. Craig where you at?

4. It’s a leap in many ways.

5. Yes, the process may be difficult and confusing for some. These steps may make it easier.

6. We’re already winning at this.

7. Uh me neither.

8. Other people looked at different things.


9. That he is.

10. Wonderful!

11. Craig da man!

12. Others went to all the way as to solve the problem.

Kathleen Patel once said, “With ignorance comes fear- from fear comes bigotry. Education is the key to acceptance.” And this one math equation is doing just that, ending ignorance with education.

Here’s to tiny steps that in turn become a giant leap!

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