30 Precious Greeting Cards Made Out Of Matchboxes That Will Steal Your Heart Away!

greeting card

Call me old school, but I would still love a birthday greeting card (instead of a whatsapp msg)! Not that I’m technologically challenged but I think hand-written cards have some out-of-the-world charm attached to them. The last time I exchanged one was when I was in school! How old do I sound, again?

If you share my feelings (and eccentricities) you’ll love what’s coming your way! Vietnamese shop3xu is reinventing greeting cards by turning matchboxes into lil surprises! Each, individually painted and curated for you to gawk in admiration! See for yourself.

1. You’ll be left, if not right! 


2. I <3 U


3. The return of Casper!


4. And more!


5. Adorbs!


6. Minus the baggage!


7. ‘Till the day death do us part!’


8. Tales from the toilet!


9. And jubilations!


10. Where’s Santa though?


11. ‘I do!’


12. Open the doors to countless smiles!


13. Pretty please? 


14. The biggest smile there is!


15. And we’re running out of space


16. ‘Pika..Pika’


17. I want to build a snowman, now!


18. Because, Christmas! 


19. ‘All of the above!’


20. *goes to call mom*


21. A pricey one 😉


22. Mr and Mrs Pac


23. *puppy face*


24. You’ve got mail (s)


25. ‘Now can I have yours?’


26. And God speed!


27. ‘ When can I have my batmobile ride?’


28. I can’t stop going awwwww!


29. ‘Keep swimming’ 


30. From a distant galaxy!

Now, won’t you want some of these (or all) to brighten your day?

H/T: BoredPanda

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