Masaba Shares Stunning Weight-Loss Transformation, Reveals ‘Ghar Ka Khana’ Helped

If there’s anything I have gained the past one and a half years due to the lockdown, it’s weight. I have eaten when I was bored, when I was too emotional, when I was celebrating milestones – basically irrespective of my feelings, I ate. And with that came the weight gain. So sometimes, I scroll through the internet in search of weight-loss motivation. And today, I seem to have found it.

Masaba Gupta has managed to become the lightest she has been in the past 10 years. According to Hindustan Times, she took to Instagram to share her weight-loss transformation.

I am as committed to my health as I am to my business & my relationships,” she wrote.

Masaba admitted she has managed to lose excess weight and cure her PCOD.

“My 7 – 9 AM workout/walk/yoga is non-negotiable. Also, no ordering outside food on a weekday! Simple, ghar ka khaana. No celebration the night before, no amount of stress and no phone call can distract me from this.”

She goes on to add:

“This has helped me nearly cure PCOD, get off medication, focus better and enjoy time off with the food and drink I love with friends & family on the weekend even more. I’m the lightest I’ve been in 10years today and want to prove to myself that a lot of hormonal issues we girls have sometimes can be tackled through fixing our nutrition & making physical activity your focus!”

Have a look at her post here:

If you have been looking for a hint from the universe to get off your couch and get some movement done, this is it!

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