This Girl’s Poem About Growing Up Amidst Her Parents’ Failed Marriage Will Break Your Heart

Marriage, in our country, is a final goal, the ultimate ambition, the epitome of achievement for many. Some of us design our entire academic and professional life with a view to becoming an eligible marriage candidate. However, once you do get married and realise that it’s not working out, you never really have the heart, the courage or simply the energy to get out. You force yourself, drag the relationship, strain it to its limits but never even consider letting go an option.

In this video, uploaded by Delhi Poetry Slam, Saumya Choudhury talks about her parents’ failed marriage and examines what it was like in a household with a deteriorating relationship. Since society considered divorce such a taboo, her parents continued to hurt themselves by dragging this already toxic relationship up to its very limits, and then even further. Her poem will break your heart.

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