People Are Praising This Man Who ‘Slashed’ Car Tyres Over Bad Parking

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Few things can be as irksome as improper driving and wrong parking. Yet you always find a couple of people who park their vehicles in public spaces as if they own the place. A Californian, Matt Wille decided that this just wouldn’t do! In accordance, he ‘Slash’d’ the tires in a way that is oddly awesome.

The man who is all sass and sarcasm (going by his vociferous twitter handle) decided to school a stranger for poor parking. You might probably politely admonish the individual by leaving a hand-written note on their windscreen that chides them to park correctly the next time. But, Matt took it one step further.

Well, his tweet says it all and we must say that we find his methods praise-worthy!

Matt’s lesson for the offender has sass stamped all over it. See for yourself!

“I slashed your tires.
You deserved it because you parked like an ass..”

Taping an actual picture of ‘Slash’ the legendary Guns N’ Roses musician, Wille certainly made his point. This non-violent yet effective method had the netizens chucking away to glory.

‘Slash’- The Guns N’ Roses musician

When angered, some might just resort to violence and slash the tires. However, such acts are punishable by law.

While vandalism does not go unpunished, Matt’s sassy way of calling out the offender for improper parking won him praise and raucous laughter from Twitterati.

Some were passive aggressive supporters!

Some went further with the Guns N’ Roses puns! (hint: Axl Rose)

Others simply guffawed and how!

While others affirmed the deed was indeed savage!

Upon further research, we found a website that specifically instructs people to conduct this precise prank. Complete with a step-by-step guide on Slash’ing tires musically! Looks like Matt sought inspiration from the site to serve his special brand of vigilante justice.

Going by his latest tweet, he might just be slashing another driver’s ride soon! We can’t say we mind. Do you?

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