Man Makes Real ‘Iron Man’ Suit That Can Fly, Is Bulletproof & Fans Are Screaming!

One of the first thoughts which we have while watching a superhero movie is that we wish for it to be real. What an amazing world it would be if we had superheroes guarding us against harm, perhaps a ‘Batman’ invigilating the streets at night or a certain ‘Captain America’ saving the world from terrorist attacks!

However, the one thing that has been oscillating in every fan’s mind after April 26 is what would happen now with Iron Man gone because we cannot imagine a world without Iron Man. While this ‘marvel’ of a superhero is very much fiction, there are enough reasons to believe he could and should be real. What if there is someone in the planet who is gifted with the genius of Tony Stark? What if with the advancing technology, someone actually cooks up an Iron Man suit? Wouldn’t that be jaw-droppingly cool? Seems like our prayers have come true because someone actually made an Iron suit.

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Adam Savage, an American special effects designer and fabricator has already made a real ‘Iron Suit’. What’s even better news is that the suit can help him fly, just like Iron Man’s suit!

According to sources, Savage 3D printed the entire Iron Man ‘Mark 2’ armour using Titanium. After assembling it, he used gun-shots to see if the suit was bulletproof, which it was! The shining silver armour can help one fly up to 15 feet above ground level using five 1,000 horsepower jets.

“It sounds like hyperbole, but if Tony Stark was not fictional and he was building an Iron Man suit right now, this is precisely how he would do it and this is the exact technology he’d be using”, Savage told CNET.

After the episode was aired on the Discovery Channel, fans are left absolutely shook! ‘Iron Man’ is now almost a reality, people!

You can watch the suit fly here and be absolutely amazed like I am right now!

And the suit is bulletproof! Do you know that feeling of dreams becoming reality? Well, this is exactly that moment.

Now, all we have to do is wait for Robert Downey Jr. to get into that suit!

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