Man Offers Beer To Camel & It Chugs The Whole Can Down After Snatching It From His Hands

Out of all the seasons that we get on Earth, if I was given the choice to delete one of them, I’d definitely choose Summer. Why? Summers are hot, sticky and are just plain unbearable. We’ve to sit under fans, drink loads of water and can’t even turn on the A/C because it’ll cause global warming. Even animals are forced to drink some cold beer to chill out. Now, no need to panic after reading that because it has totally happened.

A man from Australia has uploaded a video that has gone viral where we can see a camel approaching him. The man cheekily offers it his beer and what he does after will leave you ROFL-ing.

By the looks of it, the camel was just roaming around in the fields when it spotted this gentleman in his car. And you can say it’s a good camel because it only approached the person when he was invited. Not like humans who just barge in demanding beverages.

After having a sip of the beer, the camel seems to contemplate whether it wants some more. However, going by the way it chugs down the entire, the camel would’ve surely finished a six-pack. And the man doesn’t seem offended that his beer is gone because a beer-drinking camel isn’t something you get to see everyday.

You can watch the video here:

Camels have been known to walk across hundred and thousands of kilometers of desert land due to its ability to retain water. However, going by this video evidence, I think they were secretly drinking beer to quench their thirst. And unless you can prove that they weren’t, that is a valid theory that exists on the internet now.

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