Mamaearth Co-founder’s Post On Working & ‘Over-Delivering’ During Pregnancy Starts Debate

Pregnant women face a tough balancing act. If they focus on their health, they risk losing their jobs and being seen as unreliable. But if they keep working hard, they’re criticized for not taking their pregnancy seriously and risking harm to their baby. It’s like they’re stuck between the two with no easy way out.

A debate on similar lines began on LinkedIn after Mamearth co-founder Ghazal Alagh shared a post about working hard even during pregnancy. While being 8 months pregnant, she shot for Shark Tank India for 12 hours and she is confident that she will be over-delivering on her goals, while also delivering a baby.

She is trying to prove a point – that women can work very hard even when they are pregnant, and meet their goals and work commitments. At the beginning of her post, she addressed people who keep telling pregnant women to take it slow.

‘You are pregnant, you should take it slow’. I have heard this from friends and relatives multiple times and when the Shark Tank India opportunity came my way. To address this tag I decided to take up the opportunity while I was in my 8th month of pregnancy and shoot 12 hours a day along with others. My goal was to inspire others and break this prevailing myth, especially amongst men, that women become less active or capable during this phase of their lives,” she wrote.

She went on to add, “This year 4 managers in my innovation team are pregnant and we have taken the highest revenue goal on innovation. We are confident we will not only deliver the babies but also over-deliver on our goals. We are there for each other whenever one needs support.”

Have a look at her full post here:

This started a massive debate in the comments section about how it is crucial for society to acknowledge and accommodate the diverse needs of pregnant women. No two pregnancies are the same and different women have different experiences. Some may need to take it slow for health reasons or personal choice, while others can and want to continue working. Both choices should be respected without glorification or shame.

Here’s a look at some of the responses:

Society needs to support pregnant women better, providing them with the flexibility they need to take care of themselves and their growing families without fear of losing their livelihoods or facing judgment. Don’t you think?

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