Malia Obama’s Review As An Intern Shows She’s Just As Cool As Her Dad

Malia Obama, the elder among the two daughters of Barack and Michelle Obama, was hard at work from the tender age of 17. While her father was hard at work in the White House, she was busy interning at HBO in the summer of 2015.

According to Lena Dunham, the creator and star of HBO’s hit TV show, ‘Girls’, Malia Obama is most certainly one of America’s smartest teens.

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“She is so smart. I once asked her, ‘What’s your favourite movie?’
She was like, ‘Do you want me to list it by favourite director, writer, or cinematographer?’
I was like, ‘You’re smarter than me, let’s just be done with this topic.’”


Lena also talked about what Malia did while on set and it was much more than stereotypical intern roles.

“Obviously, we weren’t making her go get our coffee. But she wanted to do all the jobs, that was the cool thing. She was totally enthusiastic.”


Malia, just like her Ivy League schooled parents, is an absolute genius and works just as hard.

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“She’s done such a good job, and clearly, her parents have done such a good job. When you see that family together, they’re not performative.”

She has clearly shown a keen interest in the entertainment industry and is currently working with Harvey Weinstein the mastermind behind several oscar campaigns.

Malia Obama sets a beautiful example for all of us to follow. No matter who you are, how powerful your dad is (“Jaanta hai mera baap kaun hai?”), if you really want to make it in life, there’s no substitute for hard work.

News Source: Elite Daily

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