10 Ways You Can Make Your Grandparents Feel Young Again

If you ask me about my favourite thing, growing up, I wouldn’t blink before saying- listening to bedtimes stories from my Dadu (grandfather). And I’m certain there are many who can relate going home to grandparents who spoilt us rotten.

Why the trip down the memory lane? Because it is Senior Citizens Day today and I have news for you.

While they give without conditions have you ever wondered about the troubles they go through? The difficulties, both physical and emotional, that they struggle with? While there is an array of problems, the most pressing one is that of urine incontinence

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You’ll be shocked to know but over 50 million people suffer from the silent struggle of urinary incontinence in India. It’s more common in adults over 45 years old and women are twice more likely to have it than men.

This is also called overactive bladder and elderly people with it often find themselves depressed. They hardly socialize and often limit themselves to the four walls of the home. But you can make a difference.

So, on Senior CItizens Day, here are 10 ways how you can help your grandparents regain their confidence and do the things that they’ve always wanted to do.

1. Start with bladder control training.

You can introduce them to bladder control training, also known as scheduled voiding or bladder re-education which is basically urinating at specific times of the day. In a controlled method, the training is a first line treatment of overactive bladder.

2. You must convince them to give Biofeedback therapy a try.

Biofeedback therapy is a non-drug treatment in which patients learn to control bodily processes that are normally involuntary, such as muscle tension. Simple devices with alarms can be used to help patients control urine incontinence. In progression, through classical conditioning, sensory feedback from a full bladder replaces the alarm and hence allows them to control any kind of leaks.

3. Introduce them to pelvic floor muscles exercises.

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Also known as Kegels, the exercise is known to strengthen the muscles that help control urination. With a little practice, Kegels can also help reduce feelings of urgency, the need to frequently urinate and accidents.

4. Injections and implants.

Injection of an implant into the area around the urethra also helps in keeping the passage closed. Some simple devices available in the market also help in reducing the problem.

5. Advanced surgeries.

Recent advancements in minimally invasive surgical technologies have increased options for patients like the newest, da Vinci Robot Surgical System, an exciting new treatment option. This minimally invasive approach, utilizing the latest in surgical and robotics technologies, is ideal for delicate surgeries.

6. Avoid medication with side-effects.

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Medications are available for people with bladder control problems marked by sudden, intense urinary urges and urine leakage (overactive bladder and urge incontinence) but special care should be taken to weed out the ones with side-effects.

7. A little weight-loss can prove vital.

A Recent study suggests that five to ten percent weight loss can help relieve the added pressure excess weight puts on the bladder and surrounding muscles and subsequently aids in controlling incontinence.

8. Ensure they maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet.

As caregivers, you should make sure they stay away from caffeine, alcohol and acidic drinks. Even chocolates, artificial sweeteners, and hot spices can irritate the bladder, reports suggest. In fact, you can sit to chart items that can that trigger the bladder and then remove them from their diet.

9. Monitor their fluid intake.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your bladder healthy. When you drink less water, your urine is more concentrated and may irritate the lining of the urethra and bladder.

10. Get them Friends Adult Diapers while they fight urine incontinence.

The struggle to fight urine incontinence can be long and testing but the wait can definitely be better. You could get your grandparents Friends Adult Diapers and make them feel young again. The pull-up diapers come with an absorb-lock core and worry-free odour control which will not only boost their confidence but will keep them out longer. It’s our responsibility, as progressive young adults to normalize the adoption of adult diapers and tarnish the stigma, if any in the minds of people who see it.

It’s our responsibility, as progressive young adults, to push for the adoption of adult diapers and tarnish the stigma in the minds of people who’re embarrassed to talk about it. You can know more about it on Facebook and Twitter.

So, what are you waiting for? They need you, make sure you do your bit. 🙂

This story is brought to you in association with Friends Adult Diapers

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