This Magic Trick Has The Internet Scratching Its Heads But Here’s The Secret

I remember visiting fares as a child and though the rides and ferris wheels got me excited, it was always the magic shows that caught my attention. I always had some sort of an affinity towards card tricks, rabbits from hats and even the cliched woman going into boxes and being cut in half.

But I’m sure once you see what all this magician can achieve, the rest will look pale in comparison.

London magician Mark had all the judges and everyone in the audience in tears after he was done with his tricks on a reality show. And I’m sure you’ll be left flabbergasted after you watch this too.

Mind-blowing right?

He had a mixture of tricks with the Rubik’s Cube, cards made by his daughter, words in books and even crayons. And what was incredible was that he claimed to know exactly what the judges picked two years ago which he showed in a heartwarming presentation through his baby girl.

This video has gone viral on social media, with people sharing and commenting about how they were left stunned after watching it. However, one Twitter user deconstructed the entire act to explain everything that goes on behind the scenes.

If you’re thinking how Simon stopped on that particular page.

What? My faith on life has ended.

Here’s the intel on the red crayons.

And for the grand finale y’all wondering about the Rubik’s cube, there are multiple theories on it.

“Most obvious”, ahhh, was I the only one who it wasn’t very obvious to?

Some people even had lengthy explanations to give.

I like how he completely roasts the magician and then says congrats on surviving cancer. Brutal I tell ya!

So guys, how did it feel when people shattered your magical dreams? I for one am crying in the corner.

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