Are ‘Made For Each Other’ Couples Slowly Going To Be Extinct?

Once upon a time, God was sitting in his lush Garden of Eden and had no one to talk to. He was bored and frustrated. And that was before he created humanity. So you can understand how dull it must be for him. So for entertaining himself, he made huge slabs of glass. Now it’s no hard task for him and he was done quickly. Just to experiment, he shaped one into a human being and filled life in it. Now, he had someone to talk to. But then, he again got bored. So he filled life in all of the slabs. And threw them on Earth.

The Earth was filled with people. People who were happy, content, self-satisfied and in harmony with themselves and others. They were so perfect and complete that they didn’t need anyone.

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BORING, thought God. TOO PERFECT, he cried. His destruction mode was turned on and BOOM! All the perfect, whole, complete humans split into two.

Now, the task for each human half was to find the other. A good thing about our ancestors was that they were super smart. They learnt God’s trick and rebelled. How? They found themselves another half (not necessarily theirs) and believed it was their own half. And learned to co-exist. They fell in love and they fought for love. They sacrificed and they compromised. They put others’ need ahead of theirs. They loved madly. Even when they knew their half was not really their own.

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But we are smarter. So we decided to accept the challenge. Bring it on, God. We’ll find our halves. So we find a half, see if it’s ours. No? Sorry, you are not my half. I have to go find mine. And next. No? Yes? Maybe? Maybe. Let’s try further and get married. Shit! You aren’t my half either. Sorry! Got to go find mine.

Well maybe, just maybe, I am a glitch, we thought. Maybe when God broke the pieces in two, I remained intact. Maybe I am whole. Maybe I am complete. Maybe I don’t have to find anyone. Or maybe, this tale is bullshit (which, it is).

Probably our smartness is a curse. Our generation has fallen in love with itself. We don’t know how to hate ourselves. We don’t agree to be unhappy. Is that so bad? We believe to move on when we can’t co-exist. We believe in freedom. Freedom to love, freedom to be happy, freedom to let others be happy.

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However, our new sense of conceiving the notions of self and freedom has taken us miles away from the definition of love. We are caught up in the frenzy of our achievements. We are blinded by our own light. We are too smart and too fast for our own good. We don’t know how to love madly. We don’t know sacrifice. We don’t know compromise.

And we don’t mind that.

We love the quick pace of our lives. So much that we have forgotten to rest. We love the excitement and the energy. We fall in love in the bat of an eyelid. But do we have that intensity? Passion, probably. But intensity? I doubt. We have started accepting our sexual needs but have locked away the need for an emotional connect. Because you see, we are strong beings.

We are strong and we are happy. But are we so scared to accept that we fear being vulnerable? So scared that we can’t bare our soul in front of another being? So scared of falling in love that we prefer solitude? So scared of being attached to someone else that we have stopped ourselves from falling in love?

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I don’t know what answers you have for these questions. Because honestly, we are so smart that we confuse morally and situationally correct answers with our opinions and answers.

Relationships these days are very complicated. We have open relationships, one-night stands,  friends with benefits, no strings attached, causal flings, live-in relationships…and we don’t know where love gets lost in the way. There’s too much logic and way less space to feel. We are way too practical and way less stupid. We have money but no time to spend on our loved one. We are more ambitious and less crazy. Unlike Mirza and Sahiba, we are more realistic. We leave, instead of staying and fighting. 

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But we probably know all of this. Don’t we? Because we are too smart. And no sarcasm here. We know we are alienating ourselves. We know we are depriving ourselves of emotional connect. We know we hate depending on another person for our happiness. We are aware of the fact that we might end up alone. We know that we sometimes feel lost, lonely, in need of love, in need of a beautiful relationship. But we choose other things instead of these.

Consciously and in full senses. Is that why we don’t see ‘made for each other’ kind of couples anymore? Is that why we don’t have epic love stories that our children can remember? Is this how we revolted against God? Is this how we are proving him that we are complete and whole by ourselves?

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Change is good, we say. We are evolving, we tell. We are becoming practical, we believe. This is the era of realists, we imagine. We are cool, we conjecture. We need no one and we love ourselves, we boast.

Though, how many of you are happy with it?

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