These Dark Comics On Life Will Shock You With Their Totally Unexpected Endings!

We humans are a sadistic bunch. We enjoy bloodthirsty gore, human suffering and death. Okay maybe that’s a bit much but we do enjoy the occasional darkness sprinkled with humour!

Check out these dark comics by Mr Lovestein, which feature the most random situations from an argument among animals to life totally fucking you over: 

1. Every teenager’s worst fear! 😛


2. The real reason Galileo was executed.


3. For those who get it, keep it to yourself! 😛 


4. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this were true!


5. So savage!


6. Well, that escalated quickly.


7. That. Is. Disgusting.


8. Welcome to the internet! 😛


9. Don’t mess with those having suicidal tendencies!


10. Oh, the almighty, glorious, piece of heaven: Pizza! 


11. Yup, that’s how much I love Pizza!


12. Darkness: I have a boyfriend.


13. Life never fails to disappoint. 


14. You think all of us look the same, eh?! 


15. Introverts will totally get this one.


16. Killing with kindness done right!


17. That’s me trying to be an adult!


18. Overreaction much? 


19. Even the Lord of Shadows has to make adjustments 😛


20. You think snakes cannot have an existential crisis?!


21. Welcome to Bear Inc. Private Limited.



22. Beauty is on the inside, isn’t it? 


23. Statistically, the story fits!


24. With great power… comes great trauma! 


25. You had to ask, didn’t you? 

All of these comics are so brilliantly made. To think that even animals go through an identity crisis! It just made me really sympathetic towards our reptilian brothers.

H/T: Boredpanda

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