How It Feels To Fall In Love With A Stranger For A Few Moments

You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful, it’s true
I saw your face in a crowded place
And I don’t know what to do
‘Cause I’ll never be with you

Love is strange. Love is in the moment you exchange glances. Love is when you look at her and blush. Love is in that fraction of a second when your breathing stops and you look back again to have a good glance at him.

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There you were, travelling to work. It is the same mundane task that you do robotically, everyday. That’s when you see her. She sits clutching her bag and reading a book. A strand of her hair keeps coming on her face. She sometimes puts it back in place, behind her ears and the rest of the times, she doesn’t bother. The bus jerks and you lurch forward. She is oblivious to her surroundings because she is so engrossed in the world created for her by Murakami.

And in that moment, you fall in love with her.

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These strangers whom we fall in love with so naturally, bring sparks to our dull, pretentious lives. The moment and the love that you feel for them is so personal. And I am not talking about you being attracted to a girl, whom you look at from head to toe and then later forget. I am talking about you falling for the girl, with the tiny things she does in the very few moments you notice her and can’t forget for a long time.

And you feel like riding the same bus, or taking the same route, driving around the areas where she got off, just to get a glimpse of her. But then, you stop. Because you don’t want to ruin it.

You want to know everything about her, but you don’t want to, either. There’s a dilemma. And you choose life to take it’s course. She lingers in your memories and you search for her in the crowds. And then, you get lost in the labyrinth of your routine.

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One day, you are travelling to work and see a girl with Murakami’s copy held in her hands. And your heart stops. It’s not her but it reminds you so much of her. You feel the heart ache and you smile because it’s sweet and also ridiculous. And honestly, you remember every single detail about her.

“Be foolishly in love, because love is all there is.”

Tell me, have you fallen in love with a stranger?

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