Couple That USED 350 Kids To Hold A 3km Long Sari Might See 10 Years Of Jail Time!

People love their 15 minutes of fame more than they would care to admit, but pursuing that fame can lead to a dark alley where you do not know right from wrong. You would do anything for that fame, for recognition, to make your name in the world, but the question is where do you draw the line?

A Sri Lankan couple, in an attempt to make their wedding day memorable tried to set the record for longest trail of a saree with the bride walking the streets. All this to see their name in the Guinness World Records, in the central district of Kandy on Thursday.

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But, here’s the catch. They used 350 children of a state owned school, not to grace the wedding with their presence, but to hold the trail of her saree, which was two-mile (approximately 3 kilometres) long. 250 students were made to hold the trail while another 100 served as flower girls in the wedding.

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The Telegraph reported that the students were from a school named after the Central Province Chief Minister, Sarath Ekanayaka, who was also a special guest at the wedding. However, their attempt at making their marriage memorable was successful but not for the reason they thought.

The National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) has launched a probe into the matter because according to them, employing students for such ceremonies during school hours is against the law.

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Chairman of the NCPA Marini de Livera said,

“What they (the wedding party) did is a violation of child rights. Depriving children of education, risking their security and harming their dignity are criminal offences.”

The NCPA states that the reason for this probe is that they do not want this to become a trend. They also said that the violators of the laws could face 10 years in prison.

The chase for 15 minutes of fame has landed this couple into the soup, where they tried to use their influence to make small children stand in the blazing sun for God knows how many hours. Such action of misuse of the innocence of children should be strongly condemned.

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