17 Problems Girls Face When They Have Long Nails


Long pretty nails always nail the look. It is great to have beautiful long nails and paint them or keep them nude. It gives an overall shape to the finger, making your hands look kissable. What happens when long nails start giving problems? It is difficult to maintain them and the pleasure always comes with side effects. Here are the things every girl experiences when she has long nails.

1. Wearing and removing contact lenses is a big pain

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You can’t put your finger in the eye, somebody please help!

2. Typing on phone or keyboard makes a weird annoying sound

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Tak Tak Tak Tak….

3. Wake up early in the morning and find your body with scratch marks

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What the hell! Is my house haunted?

4. Trying on new pair of jeans is a pain, cuz every time you pull the zip up, your nail chips off a little more

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Shopping for jeans can be scary!

5. Moisturizer and food gets stuck in the nails

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Winter and food suddenly get messier!

6. Instead of pressing delete on your phone you end up typing ‘mmm’

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Small keypad and long nails problem.

7. People prefer staying away from you, cuz of your long nails

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It can hurt others real bad.

8. If one chips off, then trimming others becomes mandatory

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Or else your fingers look really bad, also you don’t want to scare people off!

9. You end up with a scratch mark while washing your face

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That moment when you adore your freshly washed face and see a nail scratch mark :-/

10. Cutting vegetables leads to chopping nails off

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Lucky it saves you from cutting your finger 😉

11. Lighting candles becomes a big task

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It is more of like burning your nail :p

12. Clasping bracelets and necklaces becomes impossible

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Darn nails! You always get in my way.

13. Rubbing eyes becomes stabbing eyes

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Ouch! Ouch!

14. The most sensitive thing on this planet is after shower nails. They break easy

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You got to be very careful, or else lose your nails.

15. Opening cans and tins is a real task

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With that annoying sound. Ouch nail, go away!

16. Pulling cheeks is impossible, you end up pinching them

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Sad story, but true!

17. At the end all the problems are worth it, cuz they make your fingers look gorgeous

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You look confident about your style and confidence is HAWT! These are the problems every girl with long nails will relate to. It’s the price they pay for beautiful fingers. But everything worth, comes with a high price, so enjoy your long nails and keep scratching. 😉
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