This FB Post About The Real Meaning Of Happiness Will Teach You What No Book Can!


Life is not how you think it to be. But life is everything that happens to you instead. But however humdrum and dreary it may pose like, there is always a flip to it. Like they say and I quote, ‘everything happens for a reason.’ And I would like to believe that I stumbled upon this post for a reason too…

In a beautiful piece shared by Humans of Bombay, the world around me is better because I know good people exist. People who know what real happiness feels like. People who will inspire to get some. Read the post here.

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“In my time, I had a successful career as the Bank Manager at Union bank for over 23 years. I’ve retired now and I’m on a pension of a few thousand Rupees a month, which may not seem like a lot — but believe me, it is. Unfortunately, it’s only once you stop working that you realise that happiness can’t be bought. I’m 79, and it’s only now that I’m finding things that give me that peace and happiness. Spending time with my wife and daughter, my walks here every day, the sea, the shore, the little Ganpati Mandir on the banks that I like to visit when the tide is low…all of these bring me so much joy.”
“So what advice would you give to a large group of people?”
“Leave this mobile phone of yours on the side for some time — just do nothing — sit near the sea, just be…just breathe.”


Now isn’t it something worth living for? I thought so too. 🙂

Read the entire post here.

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