15 Emails You Should Write To Your Future Self

How astounding it would be to compose a letter for your future self? Wouldn’t you want to hear from you when you cross huge turning points of your life? If you already did not know, you could actually write an email to your future self (or write a note on Evernote and set a reminder for the future) and afterwards have it conveyed to you at distinctive periods of your life.

If no one comes from future to stop you from doing it, then how bad of a decision can it really be?

Bellow are some eccentric things that I’d say to my future self.

1. To Age 25


2. To Age 28


3. To Age 30


4. To Age 32


5. To Age 35


6. To Age 38


7. To Age 40


8. To Age 45


9. To Age 50


10. To Age 55


11. To Age 60


12. To Age 65


13. To Age 70


14. To Age 75


15. To Age 80

So why don’t you write one for yourself?

Turn your cant’s into cans and dreams into plans 🙂

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