Hey Little Doggo, An Open Letter To The Best Friend I Lost

My dearest baby Kiara,

Today I write to you with tears in my eyes and a sorrow-filled heart. I’m going to say it to you now before my voice quivers too much and my emotions get the better of me, I miss you my little furball. I miss you all day, everyday.

The strange thing about everything is, that I actually cried when you passed, but I had a slight smile on my lips too. When you came as a little puppy, I held you in my palms and instantly fell in love with your eyes.

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“Never leave me”, I would whisper into your tiny ears. When you learned to play fetch and would run around in the park, you’d come bouncing back with a toy in your mouth, I’d whisper, “Never leave me, cutie!”

But when you did leave all I was thinking was that you’re not in pain anymore. You lived a long and happy life, with your tail always wagging. Even when you were sick to your stomach, there was no way that you’d leave the doorbell unanswered. You were there to greet, lick and love.

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You grew up with me during my childhood days, loved me just the same during my braces phase, and cuddled me even when I wouldn’t want to look at myself. The unconditional love in your big, droopy eyes always told me,

“You’re my best hooman. You’ll always be the best hooman.”

Every time I come back home, for a split second I think of your innocent face that will brighten up even my saddest days. And then I am hit by the realisation that you aren’t there. Every time I cross your favourite spot in the garden, I think of the times I’d catch you digging up a storm always right there.

I remember the time our grandfather passed away and I was too upset to cry in the house filled with guests, I snuck up to my room, hid myself, and cried. You sat beside me, kissed me while I hugged you and cried like a baby. How did you always know when I was sad?

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You may not have played like you did in your older days, but your heart still laughed, your tail still wagged as best it could and for that I’ll be forever happy. I know that you were the greatest gift to ever come into all our lives, your paw-prints will forever be etched on our hearts.

My baby girl, you taught me the art of love, the art of unconditional and untainted love. It’s not right wrong, bad or good, it’s just always pure love. With you I learned to love myself and see myself from your eyes and I finally accepted that this is how I am, with faults and all. You were and always will be my best friend, never letting your tiny paw go, okay darling?

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There will always be a slight ache in my heart, there will always be a part of me missing, sometimes I’ll still forget to breathe, sometimes I’ll still sob uncontrollably when I miss you. But then I’ll remember you peaceful and happy, and think of the doggo heaven you’re in and smile to myself.

I hope you’re okay bub, I’ll bring lots of treats, lots of love and a crazy number of tummy rubs when I see you next best friend.


Your Hooman

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