According To This Tamil Magazine, Women Wearing Leggings Deserve To Be Shamed

If you are wearing leggings then please tread carefully.
If you come across anyone from popular Tamil magazine ‘Kumadum Reporter’ then there are high chances that they are going to shame you for your dressing.

The recent edition of this magazine has shown women wearing leggings in the worst light possible. For their cover issue, they clicked pictures of women wearing leggings (possibly without their permission) when their kurta was flowing or when they were sitting on a bike.

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Photographs taken from bad angles were used to show that women wearing leggings cross the line of decency. This has caused major uproar against them which is valid in all terms, especially when their cover shouts out loud ‘leggings vulgarity’ in bold yellow.

A journalist, Pinky Rajpurohit shared on Facebook:

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The public outrage reached such a level that a freelance journalist Kavita Muralidharan filed a petition against the magazine asking the magazine to apologize for their shameful report.

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While speaking to DNA, she said, “I started the petition because I was really outraged. Being a mainstream magazine, I believe Kumudam had a role in solidifying and perpetuating misogynistic attitudes and thoughts in Tamil society. I was outraged as a woman because Kumudam was trying to teach me what I should wear and what I shouldn’t wear. I was outraged as a journalist because the self-appointed moral policemen of Kumudam had flouted the norms of ethical journalism and has indulged in gross violation of privacy.”


People are sharing the petition on various mediums to ensure that the callous attitude of the magazine management changes and they accept their mistake and apologize for it.



Already 14,244 people have signed this petition and it needs just 756 more to reach their goal of 15,000.

The magazine’s cover has raised many questions on sensitization of issue while (possibly) intruding in people’s privacy to create a false moral ground. Ethical much?

News Source: The Huffington Post and DNA

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