Twitter Celebrates The 29th Of February With Leap Year Memes & Jokes

Every four years, we get an extra day to celebrate life. But on this additional day of February, most of us either work it out as a regular Saturday or don’t bother it existed, right? But this day holds significance for those born on the 29th of February as they get to celebrate their legit BIRTH-DAY. And it’s that time of the year again!

A day when meme-makers work extra hard to make your day happier with LOL-worthy content. But before we dive into the world of laughter, here’s the math behind celebrating the day.

TMI you say? Then here are some funny leap day memes that are just going to make your working hours on a weekend more bearable.

Check them out here:

Well, what are you planning to do on this extra day? Also, happy birthday to every ‘leapling’ born on February 29th. Tell us how it waaaaass!

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