12 Seemingly Useless Things That Are Killing You Slowly

What is wrong about chilling out in a hot tub of frothing water that relaxes you to the extent that you just want to sleep in it forever.

But what if we told you that Hot tubs kill you slowly, in a way we do not even realize.

How many things are out there in the word that slowly bring death closer to us?

1. Hot tubs baths slowly poison you with chemicals

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Hot tubs are cleaned with chlorine and bromine to prevent bacterial buildup in them. But this, in turn, leads to poisoning which results in a lot of hospital trips for the next few decades.

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2. Not cleaning your washing machine regularly

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Clean the lint that accumulated in your washing machine. If you do not, it results in the machine to heat up and catch fire.

And it is an actual problem if you have a washer cum dryer. That is why your washing machine user manual expressly states that lint should be cleaned regularly.

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3. Cleaning your bathroom with bleach and other cleaning products

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If you use bleach to make your bathrooms sparkly clean,  and then use a different cleaner on another surface afterward, the result is you breathing poisonous fumes.

Bleach mixes with common cleaners to produce toxic fumes that can ultimately lead to lung complications later in life

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4. Cheating on a person gives you heart attacks and anxiety

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Cheating on your spouse literally kills you – of a heart attack – during the intercourse.

It is better if you do not cheat at all.

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5. Wearing heels is a risky business

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Heels are bad for you. They cause back problems and lead to bad postures too.

Apart from this, they also cause a lot of injuries. They get stuck in escalators, and are used to kill people too.

There was even one injury where a woman slipped and fell and her heel pierced her vagina.

Yup, heels are nasty.

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6. Starting education really early gives children behavior problems

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Are you one of those parents who wants their child to start school as soon as possible? Keep in mind that you are shortening his/her life by doing this.

Starting education too early makes it difficult on the child. Because kids grow too fast, they are roomed together with some kids that have developed more than the others. This creates a big gap between the smarter kids and the smaller kids.

They get stressed, have behavioral problems which ultimately leads to a shorter lifespan.

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7. Having a small butt translates to higher chances of cardiovascular diseases

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If you are one of those people who have fat on their thighs and butt you are less likely to suffer from heart diseases.

Because fat on the thighs and butt is linked to a gene that is passed on from generation to generation. This gene is also linked to making that person fight diabetes successfully.

But this doesn’t mean that you eat a lot of junk food so that you get fat on your thighs and butt. That does NOT work, sorry.

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8. Traveling on the airplanes a lot makes you cancer prone

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The moment you get on an altitude planes fly on, you absorb more radiation than a normal person. This is the radiation that is present outside the Earth’s atmosphere, which is usually filtered completely by the time it reaches earth’s surface.

This is the reason most airplane pilots and airline crew are very prone to suffering from cancer that is caused by absorbing too much radiation.

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9. Doing nothing – millions of people die because of it

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Laziness and inactivity are the major causes of getting a heart attack. They kill more people than smoking every year.

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10. Living on sea level makes you weaker as compared to people who live on high altitudes

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Living in high altitudes is good for you. Because higher altitudes have lesser oxygen, the people living there become more resilient because of this. Their bodies activate genes that make the lungs and heart stronger.

If you are thinking of bringing up your child to make him healthy, choose a high-altitude city.

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11. Living a carefree luxurious life after retirement is harmful too

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If you are complaining about your job and the stress it gives you, you might want to stick with that stress for a little bit longer after retirement.

Research shows that people who work and are active even after their retirement age tend to live longer than people who have a comfortable retirement.

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12. Doctors bad handwriting kills thousands of people every year

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Bad handwriting has caused over 7000 deaths per year in the US.  This is because sloppy handwriting by doctors when they wrote their prescriptions led to people ingesting the wrong medicine.

If you have a doctor who has a particularly bad style of writing, take your medicine with caution.

Who knew doctors can kill by the pen?

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Stay happy, stay safe!

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