Kids Managed To Pronounce ‘Floccinaucinihilipilification’, And Even Shashi Tharoor Is Amazed!

I hope for your sake that you didn’t miss the latest English class by Professor Shashi Tharoor! Because he taught some really biiiiiiiiiiiig words. BIG. HUGE.

In just two tweets, Shashi Tharoor managed to give us a lot a to talk about. We learnt two new words: floccinaucinihilipilification and hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia!

Phew! Tired already.

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Of course, Twitter had a lot of fun meme-ing the hell out of the latest bout of Tharoorian English to hit us illiterate folks. But here’s where it gets interesting!

Little kids, still in single digits of age, have managed to pronounce floccinaucinihilipilification! And if you ever thought that Tharoorian English was no child’s play, well, I call an exasperating farrago of distortions on it!

I kid you not, these kids are amazing!

Reminds me of the Czechoslovakia-pronouncing baby ad from years ago!

OH MY GOD, you kids!

Apparently, it was like an epidemic! Not sure if these kids were really into learning Tharoor uncle’s big words, but their parents sure were proud!

Insane, right?

It was so awesome, that even the master himself, Shashi Tharoor couldn’t help praising the little champs!

When the master concedes to the students!

So, then, do you wanna try and give it a go?

Yeah, thought so!

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