Parents Discuss Ways To Help Their Kids End Body Shaming

There are many things life throws at you as you grow up, and I often end up wondering how better it would be if I was taught how to deal with these things from a young age. But many new parents are vowing to equip their children for the better. For instance, a mom taught her 2-year-old daughter consent, or how parents teach their sons to save themselves from ‘masculine traps’.

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Another major issue that is prevalent in society is that of body-shaming. And many parents are curious as to how to teach their kids to end that practice, and love themselves instead.

Many moms shared their words of wisdom on how to protect their children from negative and toxic thoughts and help them be comfortable in their own bodies.

  1. Lead them by example!

2. Focus on the positives.

3. Be grateful for all that your body can do.

4. Love yourself, not just your children.

5. Don’t bring up unrealistic beauty standards, and focus more on health.

6. Finally, ask your kids to do this!

Do you agree with these methods? Tell us in the comments section.

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