Newspaper Makes Awkward Typo In Julia Roberts Article, Says “Her Holes Get Better With Age”

Auto-correct is as dangerous as helpful it can be sometimes. No matter how unfortunate the typo is, all we end up doing is, guffaw at it. Well, one such recent incident that has left the internet in splits is the awkward typo in the headline of a popular tabloid of New York, The Post Journal. The title of an AP story about Hollywood actress Julia Roberts, published in the newspaper read, “Julia Roberts Finds Life And Her Holes Get Better With Age”. Oops, now that’s what can qualify as the typo of the year!

And, hence, trolls got their daily fodder!

1. Somebody took it very personally!

2. Rather headline of the millennium!

Of course, before you start guessing more awkward replacements like moles or payrolls, let us tell you that the correct word was – “roles”. The tabloid also took efforts to immediately issue a correction but the damage was already done.

Here’s what has been buzzing on the internet since the newspaper circulated its ill-fated issue:

3. Nobody might have thought how wrong it can go!

4. Julia Roberts hence qualifies for the Oscars.

5. A moment of silence for this one, before we ROFL.

6. Holesome HL?

7. It could have gotten worse!

8. Looks like an unintentionally intended error!

History has been witness to the fact that Netizens hardly show any pity on such typos. From the universally accepted typo king Donald Trump who was trolled for not knowing the difference between “your” and “you’re” to the inexplicable invention of words by the human dictionary, Shashi Tharoor during Padmaavat controversy, every miss-spelling has suffered the wrath of the internet.

After all, we all have been a victim of such unfortunate miss-spells on our WhatsApp group chats. From writing “I’m going to dead” instead of “bed” or “Read the peeface of this book” instead of “preface” has obligated me to turn off the prediction and spell-check on my phone!

The important question now is: can anyone make a worse typo or shall we award this one already? Do let us know in the comments below.

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