Judge Chases Down Inmates Who Fled From Courtroom, Superheroic Action Caught On Camera

Judges are expected to show their badassery from behind the desk, like they did in the case of the 377 verdict, the Sabarimala verdict and the Aadhar card verdict. The only judge known to be very physical about his job is a fictional one who goes by the name of Judge Dredd. However, we’ve found a judge in Washington who’s an amalgamation of the two.

According to The Daily Chronicle, Judge R.W. Buzzard was presiding over the cases of Tanner D. Jacobson and Kodey L. Howard. However, before they could go any further, things became a little action-heavy.

CCTV footage provided by Lewis County shows Howard, Jacobson and two other inmates being escorted by a deputy. But instead of following the other two inmates through the exit door to the right of the judge, Howard and Jacobson make a run for the public door at the back of the courtroom.

While everyone takes a moment to process what’s exactly happening, Judge Buzzard simply throws down his cloak and runs behind them. A different camera situated in the stairwell catches Jacobson and Howard heading down with Buzzard right behind them. And before he could escape through the open emergency exit door, Buzzard can be seen going out of frame and grabbing hold of him.

You can watch Judge Buzzard in action here:

The reason why Judge Buzzard had to be the one to chase the inmates down is because the only deputy in the room was escorting two inmates. Sheriff Rob Snaza said,

“These things don’t happen very often. They’re few and far between. We’re very aware of what’s going on at a moment’s notice.”

Sheriff Snaza said that this is only the second such incident that’s happened in the last couple of years and that they hold monthly meeting to discuss courthouse security issues. However, Lewis County Prosecutor Jonathan Meyer already has a plan and that’s to allow for additional armed guards at the courthouse. And according to him the reason for that is,

“Because quite frankly, I don’t like it when judges are jumping over the bench to chase people down … because that’s not what they’re trained to do.”

This concept by Meyer is far from being a reality at this point. So until somebody take a concrete step to ensure better security at courthouses, we’ve to trust other judges to be as fit and alert as Buzzard. Because it’s only because of him that inmates Howard and Jacobson were caught and hit with a felony charge of second-degree escape.

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