Back in 2021, a girl named Shreya Somani went viral after she shared the story of her mother getting remarried after having suffered from an abusive marriage. The incident had grabbed several headlines back then, inspiring many to rethink their notions on divorced women remarrying.
Here’s a link to the story: read.
However, a journalist and activist named Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj recently took to Twitter to share screenshots of her conversation with Shreya Somani.
On May 10, Shreya Somani took to Twitter to claim that her family had been abandoned by her stepfather. They had no money and were stranded in Dubai. She further alleged that her stepfather had run away, leaving them with no money, clothes, food and a house.
After her tweet went viral, Deepika Bhardwaj reached out to her and got her contacts in Mumbai and Dubai to help her out. They allegedly gave them financial assistance. However, Shreya Somani was calling her non-stop but Deepika explained to her that such things don’t happen overnight and they need a bit of time to help her out.
“I pitched in to help. Got my contacts in Dubai & Mumbai to help & they extended support to these women including financial assistance. This girl was calling me non-stop & I told her things don’t happen overnight. Of course her only target was to get back at her step-father & make him look like a monster. I should have gauged better,” Deepika tweeted.
However, soon Shreya’s tone changed and she spoke very disrespectfully to Deepika. Here’s a screenshot:
It was then that Deepika took a step back. But the texts that she started receiving from the mother-daughter duo were unacceptable.
“Slowly, many evidences started emerging against them including their lavish lifestyle just days before this distress call & sleazy tweets made by this girl on twitter from her old account. I took a step back. And today, this girl & her mother send me these messages out of nowhere. Read the language of this girl Shreya Somani.”
“No doubt I was a loser believing her crocodile tears. People say I don’t help women. I did and this is what I got in return. I got fooled despite knowing such women so well, no wonder so many are taken for a ride with such cooked-up stories. I helped as a human so of course no regrets but putting this out so that they don’t con anyone else,” Deepika added.
Have a look at her tweet here:
So this 19yr old girl Shreya Somani who had become famous on social media for getting her mother Soni Somani remarried created a twitter frenzy on 10th May saying they’ve been abandoned by her step father, have no money & stranded in Dubai
I pitched in to help. Got my contacts…
— Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj (@DeepikaBhardwaj) May 31, 2023
That’s not all. After digging through some of her Instagram posts from recent times, it seems like the family is, after all, not under any distress and is having a pretty good time.
Family is having fun even after the distress drama on twitter claiming that they don’t have money to even eat. Happily took money from people for tickets and then through my resources. What crooks— Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj (@DeepikaBhardwaj) May 31, 2023
Shreya Somani has deactivated her Twitter account and deleted a few of her Instagram stories but before that, people had already taken screenshots of evidence suggesting that what she posted was a cooked-up story.
Someone had sent me this message on Saturday too. By the time I checked, she had actually deleted the story.
After all the stories of domestic violence, financial abuse, blah blah blah, they’re back perhaps having a gala time. Social media par logon ka ullu banake.
— Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj (@DeepikaBhardwaj) May 31, 2023
People online were left shocked and disgusted by this. Here’s what they have been saying on Twitter:
What a shame!
— Rahul M Maheswari 🇮🇳 (@rahulsofficial) May 31, 2023
Sleaze bags.. can’t they be booked? Now am worried about that man who supposedly ran away.. better to look out for him.. 🙄
— NR (@NR_Sanghi) May 31, 2023
It is absolutely shameful. I saw her video on the “We are Humans” page. Thank you for sharing the truth about this family. It’s disgusting! Such a woman tarnishes the reputation of all women
— Divya Gandotra Tandon (@divya_gandotra) June 1, 2023
These kinds are all fake. I don’t help unless I thoroughly investigate myself. Otherwise ppl take you for a ride.
— Buie aka Rakhee ਰਾਖੀ 🇺🇸|🇮🇳 (@BuieBedi12) May 31, 2023
Deepika you make me feel comfortable being more generous. I’ve been bitten by people and that kept me from being generous. But it doesn’t stop you. I learned that in a country like India we should be okay with being made a ‘loser’. That’s the price of generosity in India.
— Raj 🇳🇱 (@nodesman) May 31, 2023
Her family needs to be arrested. That photo on Instagram is from the little door in Andheri West. We need to tag Mumbai police.
— Siddhi (@sid_thee) June 1, 2023
You remained true. It’s their loss. ❤️
Also, one more reason for me not to trust anyone on sm.— Sheetal ✍ शीतल ✍ شیتل (@ssoniisshh1) May 31, 2023
What are your views on this incident?