Memes About Jennifer Lopez’s No-Pants Denim Boots Will Make You Pee Your Pants With Laughter

“In the name of fashion” seems like a valid justification to wear whatever the hell you’d want. But you know, trolls will be trolls and they’ll pick at any and every celeb look they can find! And sometimes, that can be a little to a lot hilarious depending on the outfit. Like Jennifer Lopez’s recent choice of footwear!

Now JLo has been known to SLAY (in all caps, yes) every thing she wears. I mean, that woman’s dress pretty much inspired the Google Image Search feature! A true trendsetter in every way, even at 49!

And living up to that moniker, Jennifer Lopez stepped out recently in a pair of Versace denim boots that set the Internet abuzz. But for a hilarious reason!

Would you just look at that! Those stiletto boots are literally a pair of jeans with heels! They’ve even got pockets and a belt OMG!

Clearly JLo’s killing it with the look. But come on, there’s no way you didn’t do a double take when you saw the picture, thinking Miss Lopez had a wardrobe malfunction!

Damn right, I thought so too! And so did many others on social media! Twitter just couldn’t think past it!

Every single person’s first impression:

Pants. You want pants.

Same, fellow fashion novice. SAME.

You’re not alone, hun. JLo had us all fooled.

Well what do you know! It does, doesn’t it?

Faux pas, much? Or style statement?

Dress code: Toilet-Ek Prem Katha!

Should’ve asked “Bhaiyaa, yeh dhone ke baad shrink hoga kya?

Indians when they go abroad and miss the ‘jet spray’, and then find out they’ve run out of toilet paper too:

The swag’s not going anywhere!

This is an ‘Emergencies Only’ look, okay?

Hahahahahaha JLo(w)! Geddit?

J Lo thoda zyada low ho gaya!

But hey, like I said before, once the initial shock is over, you’ll realise this is nothing, just Jennifer Lopez doing her usual slaying thing!

Get it, girl!

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