This Guy Takes Super-Romantic Photos With His Girlfriend Except…

We have often come across images or status pertaining to couples who believe being all lovey-dovey on social media. We couldn’t help but let out huge sighs of  ”awww(with extra w’s)” or just sit and sigh not knowing what to say or comment because that isn’t exactly their territory to comment ón.

Keisuke Jinushi, a 28-year-old freelance photographer from Japan, uploaded a couple of photos of him and his girlfriend to his Instagram account and his blog. But you’ll be in for a surprise when you notice the behind- the -scenes for every shot he has taken.

1. Aww!


Only to realize, it was this! 😀


 2. Stolen kisses?


Or not..


3. We need alone time!


…Yeah, whatever!


4. PDA Much?


..With the wig and Tripod?


5. A little food on the lips? Let me wipe that out baby..


…with my own decked up hand! 😀


You get the gist, right? Apparently, he was annoyed with all the PDA happening around him on social media, which pushed him to take his own images with his own girlfriend!

Here are some more photos that he took where he faked having a girlfriend through the world of Instagram (which really makes you think of how much is faked and exaggerated online).









And, you’ll let out the biggest Hawww right away.. This is his new hand!


His photos should look sad, but they are quite hilarious, ain’t it? I found these beyond remarkable.

He cannot stress enough how important it is not to be ashamed if you’re not in a relationship.

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