Those Who Think Jack Could’ve Survived In ‘Titanic’ Are Full Of Shit, Says James Cameron

The ultimate takeaway by people who have watched ‘Titanic’ was the disappointment of Jack not surviving. Their reason? There was enough room on the raft if Rose could’ve scooched a bit and made some room for him.

Not only have fans come up with extremely vivid and descriptive theories, but some have taken the next step of practically demonstrating the same. Sample the Mythbusters‘ episode dedicated to the same.

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To all those who think that Jack could’ve lived, James Cameron has to say an unsaid fuck you. In a recent interview with The Daily Beast, Cameron spoke of how the ending was simple and there’s no debate.

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“We’re gonna go there? Look, it’s very, very simple: you read page 147 of the script and it says, “Jack gets off the board and gives his place to her so that she can survive.” It’s that simple. You can do all the post-analysis you want.”



Not only that, he played the whole theory out in a way you really can’t refute the fact that Jack was destined to die.

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“So you’re talking about the Mythbusters episode, right? Where they sort of pop the myth? OK, so let’s really play that out: you’re Jack, you’re in water that’s 28 degrees, your brain is starting to get hypothermia. Mythbusters asks you to now go take off your life vest, take hers off, swim underneath this thing, attach it in some way that it won’t just wash out two minutes later—which means you’re underwater tying this thing on in 28-degree water, and that’s going to take you five to ten minutes, so by the time you come back up you’re already dead. So that wouldn’t work. His best choice was to keep his upper body out of the water and hope to get pulled out by a boat or something before he died.”


But closed the case by saying,

“They’re fun guys and I loved doing that show with them, but they’re full of shit.”


Huh?! But it still hurts to see that Jack had to die.

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Source: The Daily Beast

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