Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Says He Doesn’t Own A Laptop, Explains Why

jack dorsey

The times that we live in, distractions are plenty and attention span is lesser than that of a goldfish. It’s not just television and movies anymore, it’s everything – phones, laptops, tablets, cars – everything.

It is no surprise then that people need a social and social media detox every once in a while.

Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, however, said at a press breakfast in Sydney, Australia that he doesn’t have a laptop. At all. Like he literally doesn’t own a laptop.

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According to Mashable, the co-founder of Twitter says he does everything on his smartphone. He said,

“I don’t have a laptop, no, I do everything on my phone.”

When asked the reason for this, he said because he wanted to reduce the amount of distraction. He wants to focus on one thing at a time, one app at a time, and laptops don’t allow that.

“It was important to me because I turn off my notifications, and for me, it’s one application at a time. So I just have one app up, and I can really focus on what’s in front of me instead of everything coming at me as I would a laptop.”

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He further added,

When we’re having meetings, phones down, laptops closed so we can actually focus and not just spend an hour together but make that time meaningful — and if that time is 15 minutes, then it’s 15 minutes, we move on with our lives. If we have our phones open, if we have our laptops open, and all these things are coming up, we just get distracted.”


In the same conference, he also shared his views on data security and sharing.

It’s true, smartphones today are capable of doing almost everything you would previously need a laptop for. It is also true that it is easier to get distracted while working on a laptop since navigating between several pages, windows and apps is easier on it than it is on phones.

So the lesson to be learnt is to develop a balance between digital and real life by adopting personal practices that aid in reducing the number of distractions for you.

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