13 Lessons You Learn When You Fall For Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back

Some people are lucky enough to have the courage to tell someone they like them and even luckier if they reciprocate the same feelings.

But most of us fall victim of loving someone whose love is for someone else. Probably unrequited love is the best kind of love. I’m not trying to sound sadistic, but the pain you go through is immense and worth it. You learn a lot about love which is very similar to learning how to swim. Once you jump into it, you feel like you are drowning. But when you hit the surface and breathe the clean air, you feel more alive than ever before.

Here a few life lessons you’ll learn if you fall in love with someone who is never going to love back and why it happened was actually the best thing that could’ve happened to you.

1. You learn how strong you were to survive the pain of separating from them.

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2. You realize that all pain is a temporary state of being. Nothing lasts forever.

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3. It’ll feel like a blindfold removed from your eyes. You’ll see the world in a much clearer light now.

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4. You realize that love cannot be won, stolen or demanded. It can only be received and given. You finally realize the real meaning of love.

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5. You realize just because you didn’t receive love from them does not mean you’re not worth being loved.

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6. You realize that you can fix yourself on your own.

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7. You learn to set goals for yourself instead of just dreaming about them.

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8. They actually set you free to find the love you were supposed to end up with.

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9. Falling in love with the wrong person makes you realize what you really want from the right person.

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10. You stop being scared of having you heart broken.

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11. You learn to always trust your gut and you quit wishful thinking.

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12. You transform as a person for the better.

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13. In the end, you thank them. You feel grateful towards them for teaching you how to be yourself.

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Love comes to those who believe it. It just takes its own time.

Till then, keep yourself together and keep loving. 🙂

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