‘Isn’t It Romantic’ Trailer Is All About Rebel Wilson & A Little About Priyanka Chopra

Bollywood has an obsession with love stories and for some reason, directors try to incorporate one into any movie. It might be a biopic, a disaster movie or a horror movie, there has to oodles of romance. And do you know who else loves to do that? Hollywood. That’s why director Todd Strauss-Schulson is here to poke fun at its tropes with ‘Isn’t It Romantic’.

‘Isn’t It Romantic’ is about Rebel Wilson’s Natalie, who has been brought up by a realistic mother who has taught her people like them aren’t meant for romance. However, one catastrophic train ride later, her life takes a complete U-turn.

While trying to fight off a mugger, Natalie bumps her head and wakes up into an alternate reality where everything’s perfect, romantic and PG-13. Which basically means a hunk like Liam Hemsworth is in love with her, musicals break out any given point and her curses are bleeped out. And, in case you missed it, Priyanka Chopra is there looking stunning as ever and gushing over Adam Devine’s Josh.

You can watch the trailer here:

Ever since the Monty Python days, meta humour has been in vogue and ‘Deadpool‘ has bolstered it even more. So, let’s see how far writers Erin Cardillo, Dana Fox and Katie Silberman have gone to take a jab at Hollywood’s version of romance. And even though the trailer doesn’t show much of our desi girl, Priyanka Chopra, let’s hope the movie has a lot to offer for her fans.

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