Kid Complains Of Reaching School Late As No Bus Came Early, IPS Officer Changes Bus Timing!

Social media has its own ups and downs and lately, we have seen the best and worst of it. Today, let’s focus on the best. Just like an overwhelming number of people online supported struggling local sellers, an IPS officer took notice of a complaint by a student and resolved his issue quickly.

A student in Bhubaneshwar tweeted about how he travels to school via a particular public bus. His school starts at 7.30 AM. However, the bus he earlier used to take changed its timings to 7.40, for which he is facing trouble. He tagged IPS officer Arun Bothra in his tweet and asked him for help.

IPS Officer Arun Bothra immediately took action. He arranged for the bus timing to change to 7 AM just so that the boy isn’t late for school!

People online lauded the IPS Officer’s prompt action. Many expressed how if all administrators tended to issues this quick, citizens would live much easier lives!

Kudos to IPS officer Arun Bothra for helping out the kid!

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