Woman’s EPIC Rant On Interview Manners Of Every Spoilt 20 Something Is A MUST Read!


Have you been interviewed?  *unanimous yes*

Have you interviewed people?  *few yeses*

If you thought an interview was a tiring process for you, just put yourself into the shoes of an interviewer. The struggle is pretty real. While you are going to one interview, s/he is going through the interviewing process over and over again, with different faces.

We have often heard of interviewee’s side of the story, this time we are listening to the interviewer’s side.

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Shared by a media corporate employee who has interviewed over 40 people for youth and entertainment brands, here’s Ravina Raval’s twitter-thread about how kids these days lack etiquettes.

1. Before posting a series of tweets, she pointed out how appalled she was.


2. Everyone needs young minds.


3. This one’s a complete no-no!


4. Who Bros an interviewer?


5. It’s a CV, not a pocket square.


6. Totally not age appropriate.


7. Wow! Demanding, much?


8. There’s a difference between background research and stalking. #JustSaying


9. Not everyone likes the 420 lingo, people.


10. That’s very unclassy, BTW.


11. The young ones are all for we don’t care about looks, but when you are walking in for an interview, people actually care about how you look.


12. Umm! #Facepalm


13. How is that even a question?


14. Such audacity, much wow!


15. It’s an interview, not a BOGO free offer.


16. Ravina, also tweeted how she doesn’t think everyone is cut from the same cloth.

Well, that was something. I can’t bring myself to do even one of the things mentioned in the thread. Such is diversity, must say.

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